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Thursday, 25 May 2006



I gotta say, if Hastert really is dirty, he's playing this right--get on the offense quick and try to smother it before it becomes a story. But ABC seems to feel like they know what they've got here. I'm worried that this is a ratfucking of ABC, discrediting them for when future stories come out.


Could be. That certainly seems to have been the spin they were putting on it at the few conservacon sites I happened across while Googling for links to write the piece.

But this is the second time in a year that Hastert's name has floated like a turd to the top of the cesspool in connection with allegations of impropriety. His "Prairie Parkway" idea for another ring road around the western suburbs of Chicago (a) isn't terribly popular in these parts, and (b) has more than a whiff of scandal about it, given that Hastert and a whole bunch of his Illinois Republican buddies just happen to have parcels of land along the proposed highway route.

I'm thinking we may be approaching the critical mass of scandal to bring Fat Denny down.

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