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Tuesday, 27 June 2006



Lately Hastert has been bucking the White House on a couple of things, which made me wonder if he wasn't having some problems in his home district and needed to supply some daylight between himself and the Shrubbery.


If that's what he was trying to do, I don't think it's worked terribly well. The only Hastert coverage I've been seeing up here has been devoted to the details of what we're now apparently calling the "Prairie Porkway."

Steve Bates

"Prairie Porkway."

Ah... it's like Houston's Grand Porkway, um, Parkway, which is the newest and fortunately incomplete outermost loop (the fourth, by most people's count) around Houston. The Grand Porkway is slated to go right through one of the largest migratory bird flyways/stopovers in the United States, and also through one of the primary lakes supplying Houston's water. But the road contractors love it, and I wouldn't bet against them in Houston. Hmm... maybe if Denny bought up some land nearby...

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