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Tuesday, 03 October 2006



I got a tape-recorded message from some woman, defending "her friend Denny Hastert." I deleted the message before it occured to me that it might have been sort of sociologically interesting. I didn't listen all the way to the end, but she seemed to be responding to whatever newspaper referred to him as "dead man walking". They sure got a damage control operation going PDQ!


Not that it makes a lot of difference in the crime, but most people don't know that the pages are selected and work in a partisan manner. Pages selected by Republicans work on the Republican side of the House and those selected by Democrats work on the Democratic side.

Foley was messing around with Republican pages. How would the Democrats learn about it?

Hastert didn't want to know, so he passed unpleasant problems down to his staff, so he could blame them. The leadership was looking for plausible deniability.

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