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Friday, 11 June 2010



while i agree with your overall point, one thing you didn't mention is obama using his powers to issue federal regulations to expand coverage for workplace benefits for gay federal workers and their partners.

that hardly merits reversing the "poor" label, but he should still get credit for doing it.


"Expand coverage" is a bit grandiose for what he did. He made an extremely limited set of benefits (and none of the really good ones, like survivorship rights or the ability to be carried on the employee's health insurance--even if you paid the income tax penalty) available to an incredibly tiny fraction of the gay and lesbian community (namely, those who have partners who work for the federal government). Moreover, he did it by executive order--meaning that the benefits can disappear just as quickly as they appeared, the next time there's a Republican in the White House.

I'd rather Obama spent his time on making this a just society where all citizens are treated equally--and where that treatment didn't depend on the whim of the current occupant of the White House. When he does that, I'll give him credit.

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